AI & Big Data Congress is an event of CIDAI, a key element in Catalonia’s AI strategy: CATALONIA.AI

Coordinated by Eurecat, CIDAI promote the adoption of data and AI technologies both in business and in society, fostering the Catalan data and AI ecosystem to become an international benchmark for innovation and AI adoption.

The CIDAI is modelled on the Digital Innovation Hubs set up by the European Commission and will be structured as a networked service centre working for businesses and institutions.

More information at:

CIDAI promoters partners: Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Computer Vision Centre, Huawei, Micorsoft, NTT DATA, i2CAT Foundation, SAP, SDG Group, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (IDEAI) and Eurecat as coordinator.

Program committee:

  • Arnau Serra, Coordinador Estratègia, Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Virginia Espinosa, ICT Innovation Project Manager, Ajuntament de Barcelona
  • Anna Escoda, Technology transfer Manager, BSC
  • Núria Martínez, Marketing and communication, CVC
  • Angel Martín, Innovation Manager, Fundacio i2cat
  • Joan Mas, Director, CIDAI
  • Marco Orellana, Manager, CIDAI
  • Lali Soler, Big Data and Data Science Director, Eurecat
  • Xavier Domingo, Director Unitat Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI), Eurecat
  • Gemma Lopez, Cap unitat Institutional & Business Events, Eurecat
  • Roi Rodríguez de Bernardo, Director of AI and Cloud Ecosystem Development in Spain, Huawei
  • Alberto Pinedo, National Technology Officer, Microsoft
  • Jose MirallesData&Analytics Director, NTT Data
  • Karina Gibert, Directora IDEAI-UPC

Objectives and axes of action:

CIDAI supports knowledge transfer and implementation of joint projects between knowledge-generation agents (universities, research and innovation centers), technology and service providers and demand companies needing innovative solutions where data and AI tech play a fundamental role.

  • UTILITY AND IMPACT: Continuous dialogue with companies and organizations within the ecosystem, to identify, prioritize and promote relevant technology-based initiatives and foster new talent in the data and AI fields.

  • EXCELLENCE, NEUTRALITY AND ETHICAL PRINCIPLESActivities and projects led by experts in the field, with continued technological monitoring and application of best ethical practices at European level.

  • PROXIMITY: Inspire, demonstrate and deliver state-of-the-art solutions to businesses and institutions by coordinating agents active in the area.

Innovation and transfer
Generate, validate and transfer high-value-added AI technologies to foster innovation across the region’s strategic business sectors.
Connected ecosystem
Bring the Data and AI Catalan community into the international arena, as a connected, active, dynamic and referent community.
Adoption and dissemination
Accelerate the AI adoption by business and society through projects showing how to lower adoption barriers, and promoting a wide range of dissemination events
Strategy and coordination
Build a sound innovation strategy, aligning Catalan institutions and businesses and promote collaboration with national and international initiatives in the Data and AI field.